Archive | November 2012

Aeron Hockey

Remember how much fun floor hockey was in grade school? Wouldn’t you love to play it again? (We would!) Now imagine playing floor hockey in an Aeron Chair..yeah, pretty cool huh?

While this video is over a year old its still pretty cool. Check it out:

Aeron hockey looks like a great time, and definitely would be a great stress reliever after a long week in the office. Not to mention how cool it is that Herman Miller Asia organized a tournament for it.

Maybe you should start an Aeron hockey team in your office and challenge your neighbors!


How many sticky notes do you use in a given day? How about a week? Do you even want to fathom how many you go through in a year? Probably not.

A simple answer to endless sticky notes are Memo-Blocks. These are such a great idea, and its awesome to see such a cool product spawning from a DIY idea.

Not only are the Memo Blocks cool to use and fun to look at, they can save endless amounts of paper. Obviously we love anything that can reduce waste!

Check out the Memo-Blocks site here.

Ayse Birsel’s Design Pespective

Since we received such great feedback on our last blog post pertaining to the Herman Miller Design Yard, we thought we would bring you some insight from one of the designers that inhabits such a great workspace.

Ayse Birsel is to the point in her career where she is pretty much a “household” name when you talk about design, and like any other great designer we love to hear about their work from their perspectives.

Birsel probably isn’t very well known for making flashy, noteworthy products; she is more concerned with creating pieces that solve problems and truly make the world a better place. Where better to work than Herman Miller!?

Inside Herman Miller’s Design Yard

It’s no surprise that we love design, but if there’s anything we love more than actual design, it’s the inherent processes behind it. If there’s one organization that has steadily and systematically redefined modern design it is Herman Miller

About a month ago we shared a video with you pertaining to the Herman Miller Design Yard, and today we bring you another video which gives us a glimpse of the quirky studio.

It’s no question that some of the greatest names in design have worked in the Design Yard, so just being there is an experience in itself. Check out the video and you will see what we mean.

Something very interesting about HM’s designers is the sheer face that there are not many of them..but I don’t think anyone is complaining!

Herman Miller Student Video Honorable Mention

We’ve already brought you the first and second place winners from this year’s Herman Miller Student Video Contest (and they were definitely awesome), but we thought we would share with you one of the honorable mention placeholders as well.

This video was submitted by Eric Hodkinson from Terra Community College and its still pretty good even though it only made Honorable Mention.

These videos are low-budget, and some might even call them “cheesy,” but they are a great showcase of student creativity and even warrant a few laughs.

Mattiazzi Branca Chair

In the world of industrial and furniture design nature can sometimes be forgotten or go unnoticed, so it is definitely refreshing to see furniture that is inspired by nature.

The Branca chair by Mattiazzi is inspired by branches of a tree that twist, turn, meet, and branch off. Not only are these chairs great to sit in, they are absolutely beautifully designed pieces of furniture and are definitely aesthetically appealing. The craftsmanship that goes into these chairs is one of the reasons they are so amazing.

Check out the video of the making of these awesome chairs. It’s definitely worth the ten minutes.

The Abak Exchange

In the past we have always encouraged you to be comfortable while you work. Push, pull, pivot, twist, and turn; just do what you gotta do to be comfortable, because when you are comfortable you work better.

The Abak Exchange by Herman Miller is a new product that does indeed allow you to be more comfortable at your work space.

Check out the video and you’ll see what we mean:

Jeff Weber and The Embody Chair

It is definitely hyperbole, but technology has revolutionized the work place. However, that same technology has absolutely wreaked havoc on workers’ posture, and overall has had a net hindrance on their health.

While technology often forces us into uniquely uncomfortable and unhealthy positions, there is hope with the Embody Chair by Herman Miller. The Embody Chair literally has movement built into it, which allows the user to adjust their posture while still allowing for their regular productivity.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Embody Chair:

Add your thoughts here… (optional)

Herman Miller Aeron Chair

Whether an agency needs to provide the best chairs for the employees? Of course yes. Chairs and other furniture that will either make a good impression for visitors and guests the office. It would be a visual appeal to them.

But more important than all is that the best chair and office furniture will make the work productivity of employees increase significantly. They will feel calm and comfortable while working. Of course, the results are in contrast to unpleasant working atmosphere.

In fact, the ergonomic chairs and other  office furniture will help reduce chronic tension back, hips and legs associated with sitting for long  time. Of course this will makes the employees can work more efficiently and productively.

Using the good chair can also reduce healthcare costs because they always sit comfortably and healthy.

Best Chairs Improve Workflow and Morale

The employees will also feel proud of stylish office furniture…

View original post 199 more words

Innovation Park

Before we blogged about Kansas State University’s Olathe Campus, and today we bring you Notre Dame’s Innovation Park. Pretty much everything you need to know about Innovation Park you can find out from its name; it is quite literally a place for innovation and the development of ideas.

The idea behind Innovation Park was to give businesses large and small the resources to create and implement effective business and societal solutions. Who better to furnish such a space than Herman Miller?

Herman Miller’s furniture allows for a highly adaptable and collaborative space where ideas can be nurtured. Check out the video to learn more: