Tag Archive | workspace

5 Tips for Working Productively from Home

In today’s professional environment, many workers have the opportunity to work from home. While this does seem like a dream for many (and it actually can be a great idea for lot of people), it is also an exercise in professionalism. While working from home does offer many amenities that we often miss in the workplace, it also provides a unique set of challenges as well.

Here are 5 tips for working productively from home:

  1. Set working hours. If you set working hours and commit yourself to them, you will get more done throughout these hours and it will aid in keeping yourself on task. Don’t forget that these hours don’t necessarily have to be 9am to 5pm either; if you’re a “night owl” it’s OK to work at night too.
  2. Define, organize, and optimize your workspace. If you’re lucky enough to have a home office then you’ve pretty much got this one done already, but if you don’t don’t worry. Make your workspace comfortable, and treat it as you would at a regular office.
  3. Make to-do lists. Don’t be afraid to make these lists daily. They will help you to stay on task and avoid procrastination.
  4. Take a break. Don’t feel guilty if you need to step away from your work for a few minutes and relax. You’ve afforded yourself the opportunity of working from home, so don’t burn yourself out. It’s OK to tune our and relax for a few minutes.
  5. Set boundaries with family and friends. Make it clear to family and friends that when you’re working you don’t want to be disturbed. Interruptions should only be for urgent matters.

Working from home can either be a blessing or a curse for you career, so you should take measures to make it work if you have such an opportunity. While these tips can certainly be helpful, don’t forget that there is no substitute for hard work!

Don’t Forget About Tables!

One of the most overlooked, and probably most used, pieces of office equipment is the table. From desks, to counter tops, to conference tables, tables are everywhere in the office. However, tables probably don’t get the kind of love that other pieces of office furniture do.

We’re here to remind you though, that tables deserve some credit too! At Workplace Resource we offer numerous options in terms of work surfaces. Whether you want a fancy desk unit for your new corner office, or a conference table with electrical and internet outlets, we can help you.

For more information, check out our tables page here. We offer so many options that it’s actually difficult to not find something that suits you. We like to think that we offer solutions, rather than individual products, so check our page and let us help you find something that works.

Four Tips to Make Your Home Office More Productive

Working from home isn’t for everyone. From a productivity standpoint, it can either be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Working at home requires personal discipline and a strict schedule to keep yourself on task. While working from home may not be for everyone, here are four tips to help you be more productive when working from home:

  1. Have a network based printer/scanner/copier/fax machine – These four-in-one devices are great for those who are working from home. Not only do these devices use less physical space, but they allow users print and copy documents, and digitize items for electronic records. For the rare cases when you might actually need a fax machine, you’re in luck too.
  2. Invest in an active offsite PC backup tool – A product like Carbonite is great because it automatically backs up your computer, so you don’t have to worry about doing so. Many of such products are cloud-based, meaning you are able to access your files when you are away from your home computer. These programs can even be a lifesaver in the rare event that you actually forget a file while traveling; you can still access it.
  3. High speed internet connectivity – This tip is simple: the less time you waste waiting for files to load, the more time you can devote to your work.
  4. Make your workspace comfortable – When you feel better, you work better. We cannot emphasize the importance of a well-designed workspace enough; don’t be afraid to design your workspace to your specifications. After all, you are indeed in your home.

Hopefully these tips are useful, and if you can think of some yourself don’t be afraid to pass them along. If they are good enough we will showcase them on our blog as well!

Herman Miller S3 Program

When you are at your place of work, do you feel comfortable? Is your workspace something to be proud of? Is your workplace cool? If you answered “no” to any (or all) of these questions, then that’s a bummer..but don’t panic, we’re here to help.

Long gone are the days of overly-stringent dress codes and row after row of cubicles. Today many employers are adopting the trend of “open market” offices, where employees are encouraged to personalize their work spaces and bring some sense of personality into the office.

We understand that transforming your office into hip work environment can be difficult, especially when you’re trying to run a business, and that’s where Herman Miller’s S3 Program can help. the S3 Program consists of “simple, sensible, solutions.”

An example of a Herman Miller “open market” office.

SIMPLE: Herman Miller offers high quality, straightforward product choices, which reduces complexity and streamlines the buying process. About 20 days later your local dealer partner will set up your products to your specifications.

SENSIBLE: Not only are reasonable prices offered, but you receive genuine Herman Miller products that allow employees to be comfortable while working, which is proven to boost productivity and efficiency. Moreover, Herman Miller products are sustainable and are backed with a 12-year, 3-shift warranty.

SOLUTIONS: Herman Miller has invested decades of research into their products to ensure that they are a truly sound investment.  Their products are a result of observing people work, and helping them do it better.

Visit the S3 Program page to see for yourself.

What are some ways you could make your work environment more inviting?