Tag Archive | creativity

Moonbot Studios Founders

Depending on your definition of the word, you might say that William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg are “weird.” Conversely, you might call them quirky, or even inspiring. Their story is actually pretty amazing. While Joyce and Oldenburg have an Oscar to their names, they have recently undertaken the venture of opening their own multimedia entertainment company; Moonbot Studios.

Their first project was the short film “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.” Or did they do the book first? Or the app?

Lost yet? Well it goes without say that both co-founders are pretty scattered in a sense, but from their chaos spawns creativity. Check out the video from Fast Company and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

Inspiration From John Jay

The video we bring to you today might not do anything for you. You might find it boring, and you might even find it redundant. However, we think that if you’ve got a descent head on your shoulders, you’ll probably find it incredibly inspirational and gainful.

It’s a short, simple soliloquy by designer John Jay and it deals with creativity as a whole. Take a look for yourself:

Now that you’ve seen the video, go out and do something great!

Creative Meritocracy

As you know, Fast Company is the world’s foremost and most progressive business media brand. Not only do they have clout across multiple industries and mediums, but they also have extremely relevant information that just simply makes sense. Not only is their content great, but their mediums of communications with their audience is the reason they are so highly regarded.

All of this actually leads us into today’s video from Fast Company (obviously) which deals with the concept of Creative Meritocracy. What is Creative Meritocracy? Well it’s basically just merit-based promotion and incentive systems that have the chance to revolutionize the workplace if implemented correctly.

Watch the video and you’ll see what we mean.

2012 London Design Festival

One of the things that we absolutely love at Workplace Resource is design. We love to see creativity in its various forms. Basically, we love everything of and about design.

One of the greatest venues for design community to showcase their talent and connect with fellow designers is the London Design Festival.

2012 marks the tenth installment of the event, and it has grown each year. The festival kicks off on September 14th and ends on the 23rd. Each day offers (literally) hundreds of events and seminars for designers young and old, and experts and beginners.

For more information check out the official website here, and look for their social media accounts for updates leading up to the event. If you’re lucky enough to be attending the festival don’t be afraid to share your experiences with us!