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Simple, Household Espresso Maker

Ever in need of espresso and you don’t have the equipment to make it yourself? Then, on top of that, you must walk to to the corner coffee shop and shell out anywhere from $4-$40 for a coffee (seriously though, those coffees add up quick). Pretty frustrating overall.

Well, now you don’t have to worry about any of that thanks to Piamo. Piamo is a compact, portable espresso maker that has your drink ready in 30 seconds.

PiamoThe idea behind Piamo is so simple: fill the cup with water and coffee, stack it, flip it, then throw it in my microwave for 30 seconds. The pressure from the microwave will force the water through the coffee, and a half-minute later, you have espresso.

The designers of Piamo are trying to secure funding, so if you like the idea don’t be afraid to donate a few bucks here.

More pictures from Design-Milk here.


Box Cloud Software

Cloud software has slowly been emerging in the last few years and it is becoming a very effective way for businesses to “branch out.” Today we bring you a video featuring Box CEO Aaron Levie who is the mastermind behind his cloud software. Box allows businesses to access their information from just about anywhere allowing for almost infinite business capabilities.

The genius behind Box is in its simplicity. Just like other great minds before him, Levie was able to take very complex ideas and put them together into a very simple and manageable model that is very user-friendly. That’s really what Box is all about; easy-to-use technology that solves problems.

Check out today’s video to learn more about Box:

21st Century Efficiency

Technology is great for consumers. Technology is also great for businesses. However, technology is even better for efficiency.

In the short video below it is proposed that by this year over 40% of the workforce will be using mobile technology daily; and the goal of all this? To become more efficient. If you want to implement mobile technology into your workforce it’s important that everyone buys in, or you’re not operating at maximum efficiency.

Check out this video and you’ll see what we mean:

BCLC and Herman Miller Work Together

When the British Columbia Lottery Corporation recently moved headquarters, they wanted to do more than simply change locations; they wanted to introduce a new corporate culture.

BCLC chose to enlist the help of Herman Miller and their Performance Environments to make the transition a smooth one. There is no doubt that change also presents challenges, but with Herman Miller Performance Environments, these challenges are minimal.

Yet another example of how Herman Miller provides companies and their employees with quality products that aid in continuous improvement.


How many sticky notes do you use in a given day? How about a week? Do you even want to fathom how many you go through in a year? Probably not.

A simple answer to endless sticky notes are Memo-Blocks. These are such a great idea, and its awesome to see such a cool product spawning from a DIY idea.

Not only are the Memo Blocks cool to use and fun to look at, they can save endless amounts of paper. Obviously we love anything that can reduce waste!

Check out the Memo-Blocks site here.

Ayse Birsel’s Design Pespective

Since we received such great feedback on our last blog post pertaining to the Herman Miller Design Yard, we thought we would bring you some insight from one of the designers that inhabits such a great workspace.

Ayse Birsel is to the point in her career where she is pretty much a “household” name when you talk about design, and like any other great designer we love to hear about their work from their perspectives.

Birsel probably isn’t very well known for making flashy, noteworthy products; she is more concerned with creating pieces that solve problems and truly make the world a better place. Where better to work than Herman Miller!?

Inside Herman Miller’s Design Yard

It’s no surprise that we love design, but if there’s anything we love more than actual design, it’s the inherent processes behind it. If there’s one organization that has steadily and systematically redefined modern design it is Herman Miller

About a month ago we shared a video with you pertaining to the Herman Miller Design Yard, and today we bring you another video which gives us a glimpse of the quirky studio.

It’s no question that some of the greatest names in design have worked in the Design Yard, so just being there is an experience in itself. Check out the video and you will see what we mean.

Something very interesting about HM’s designers is the sheer face that there are not many of them..but I don’t think anyone is complaining!

The Abak Exchange

In the past we have always encouraged you to be comfortable while you work. Push, pull, pivot, twist, and turn; just do what you gotta do to be comfortable, because when you are comfortable you work better.

The Abak Exchange by Herman Miller is a new product that does indeed allow you to be more comfortable at your work space.

Check out the video and you’ll see what we mean:

Jeff Weber and The Embody Chair

It is definitely hyperbole, but technology has revolutionized the work place. However, that same technology has absolutely wreaked havoc on workers’ posture, and overall has had a net hindrance on their health.

While technology often forces us into uniquely uncomfortable and unhealthy positions, there is hope with the Embody Chair by Herman Miller. The Embody Chair literally has movement built into it, which allows the user to adjust their posture while still allowing for their regular productivity.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Embody Chair:

5 Workplace Etiquette Tips

Whether you’re a seasoned professional with a corner office and a view, or an intern looking to turn your opportunity into a career, it never hurts to brush up on your workplace etiquette. Here are five workplace etiquette tips that can benefit everyone:

  1. Dress for success – Maybe you do indeed look good in purple and pink stripes, or even an orange blazer, but until you’ve properly surveyed your workplace, keep it simple. Standing out is not always a good thing, especially in the business realm. Don’t forget, you also want to be taken seriously!
  2. Cover up your body art – Self expression is great, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with body art and tattoos, but just like tip #1, until you’ve gotten the feel of your workplace keep them to yourself. Some workplaces even have specific rules against body art. Plus, you never know if you’re offending someone with your tattoos/piercings.
  3. Demonstrate acceptable cell phone use – Some jobs require that you’re on your cell phone all day, and some do not. Take a look at your coworkers and see how much they’re on their phones. If theirs is hidden away during work hours, chances are yours probably should be too.
  4. Social media use – Like cell phones, some jobs require employees to use social media for their job, and others definitely do not. If you’re in the latter group, we suggest logging off during work hours. Also, since your are a professional be careful what you share on your networks. Your boss probably has a Facebook too.
  5. Use your lunch break to your advantage – It is smart to leave your coworkers alone during their lunch breaks, but it can also be a great time to network with managers and higher-ups. Be reasonable and don’t be a pest. Use good judgement and you will be fine.

At Workplace Resource we want you to excel in the workplace in every facet. Not only do we want you to be comfortable, but we want you to be an overall good employee, so we hope our tips can be helpful!