Tag Archive | communication

Inside Herman Miller’s Design Yard

It’s no surprise that we love design, but if there’s anything we love more than actual design, it’s the inherent processes behind it. If there’s one organization that has steadily and systematically redefined modern design it is Herman Miller

About a month ago we shared a video with you pertaining to the Herman Miller Design Yard, and today we bring you another video which gives us a glimpse of the quirky studio.

It’s no question that some of the greatest names in design have worked in the Design Yard, so just being there is an experience in itself. Check out the video and you will see what we mean.

Something very interesting about HM’s designers is the sheer face that there are not many of them..but I don’t think anyone is complaining!

5 Workplace Etiquette Tips

Whether you’re a seasoned professional with a corner office and a view, or an intern looking to turn your opportunity into a career, it never hurts to brush up on your workplace etiquette. Here are five workplace etiquette tips that can benefit everyone:

  1. Dress for success – Maybe you do indeed look good in purple and pink stripes, or even an orange blazer, but until you’ve properly surveyed your workplace, keep it simple. Standing out is not always a good thing, especially in the business realm. Don’t forget, you also want to be taken seriously!
  2. Cover up your body art – Self expression is great, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with body art and tattoos, but just like tip #1, until you’ve gotten the feel of your workplace keep them to yourself. Some workplaces even have specific rules against body art. Plus, you never know if you’re offending someone with your tattoos/piercings.
  3. Demonstrate acceptable cell phone use – Some jobs require that you’re on your cell phone all day, and some do not. Take a look at your coworkers and see how much they’re on their phones. If theirs is hidden away during work hours, chances are yours probably should be too.
  4. Social media use – Like cell phones, some jobs require employees to use social media for their job, and others definitely do not. If you’re in the latter group, we suggest logging off during work hours. Also, since your are a professional be careful what you share on your networks. Your boss probably has a Facebook too.
  5. Use your lunch break to your advantage – It is smart to leave your coworkers alone during their lunch breaks, but it can also be a great time to network with managers and higher-ups. Be reasonable and don’t be a pest. Use good judgement and you will be fine.

At Workplace Resource we want you to excel in the workplace in every facet. Not only do we want you to be comfortable, but we want you to be an overall good employee, so we hope our tips can be helpful!

Eight Tips for Professional Emails

Following up on our tips on how to make your home office more productive, today we bring you eight tips to remember when sending emails on the job. Email has changed the way that we communicate in both our personal and professional lives. The problem is that emails can sometimes give off an informal vibe, which can also be seen as unprofessional. To avoid such a pitfall, here are eight tips to remember when sending professional emails:

  1. Write your emails as you would speak it aloud – Don’t try using big words, fancy language, or even a clever phrase. If you’re too worried about making your emails sound “nice,” your overall message may get lost, leaving your reader confused. Also, clever phrases are often overused and cliche in the business world, so avoid them.
  2. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your spouse, children, mother, etc. to read – Once you send an email, you have no control over where it travels to next. Envision your email on front page of the Wall Street Journal; would you be embarrassed of it then?
  3. Avoid using jargon – This tip is especially important when communicating with people outside of your industry. If you use overly-technical language your message may not be clear and may even be misinterpreted. Initials and abbreviations may also have different meanings in different industries, so be very careful. Use them extremely sparingly.
  4. Avoid typos..AT ALL COSTS – This is probably the most important tip on this list. Typos destroy credibility.  If you’re emailing someone who does indeed pay attention to typos, they will jump off the page and possibly even make your document irritating to read.
  5. Don’t try to be funny – Everyone enjoys humor in the workplace from time to time, but it’s pretty risky to include it in your emails. Jokes can be offensive, and like tip #2, you never know who is going to read your email after you’ve sent it.
  6. Save all of your sent emails – This is more of a practical tip. It’s not like emails are tangible paper documents taking up valuable desk space, so it doesn’t hurt to keep them in your electronic records for future reference.
  7. Double-check name spellings – This tip cannot be overstated, especially in reference to professional emails. Misspelling someone’s name is downright rude and shows that you didn’t take the time to double-check.
  8. Use good manners when writing to a specific person – Remember that the person you’re emailing is taking time out of their busy schedule to read your email. Be thankful.

Overall, use discretion when sending professional emails. If you’re second guessing something you’ve put in your email, it probably doesn’t belong there.

Feel free to share your useful tips as well!