Tag Archive | seating

The 20-20-20 Principle

Herman Miller is more than just a company that simply wants to make their products more comfortable. They have realized that if they can develop their products to a workers’ needs, then they will be an overall happier, and more productive employee.

The video we’re bringing you today is pretty cool. Not only does it explain how you should use your monitor’s placement, but it also introduces us to the 20-20-20 principle.

The 20-20-20 Principle is very simple: for every 20 minutes that you work, take 20 seconds to focus on an object that is 20 feet away. You will find your day to be much more productive. Check out the video below to find out some more tips on how to become a better, more comfortable employee.

The Stooler: Make Your Own Stool

Ever just really wanted to sit down, but couldn’t find anywhere halfway comfortable to pop a squat? Whether it was a long day at work, a solid workout, or you sheer boredom of standing, we all know the feeling, and we all know how little fun it is.

Well now with The Stooler, you don’t have to worry about such predicaments.

The StoolerThe Stooler, designed by Andreu Carulla Studio, consists of four wooden legs, and some ratchet straps, and it allows you to turn just about anything into an object to sit on. Pretty revolution idea if you ask us!

Check out The Stooler website here for more pics and to get one of your own.


Jeff Weber and The Embody Chair

It is definitely hyperbole, but technology has revolutionized the work place. However, that same technology has absolutely wreaked havoc on workers’ posture, and overall has had a net hindrance on their health.

While technology often forces us into uniquely uncomfortable and unhealthy positions, there is hope with the Embody Chair by Herman Miller. The Embody Chair literally has movement built into it, which allows the user to adjust their posture while still allowing for their regular productivity.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Embody Chair:

The Spun Chair

Well, happy Friday! It’s the end of another workweek, so we just wanted to share this video with you:

It’s pretty funny to see the folks at Herman Miller (did anyone spot Steve Frykholm, one of the Why Design recipients?) test the Spun chair by Magis, especially since you have to tell yourself that you’re not going to fall backward.

With that said..have a great weekend!

Modular Couch by Merely

We have always been huge fans of modular furniture. Not only is it just downright cool, but it is an amazing idea in itself and is truly “user-friendly” in every sense of the phrase. Modular furniture provides its users with a level of functionality that cannot be achieved with regular, more static furniture.

Merely recently designed Hocky, which is a collection of seating elements that can be either used individually, or combined with each other to create differing chair and sofa designs. Check out a couple pictures below.

Hocky also features a cool, modern looking end table that can be used just as that, or a footrest if you prefer, or even a TV dinner table. The individual elements have slots manufactured into them to allow the table to occupy various positions.

Overall, Hocky is a cool idea and even looks comfortable from its photos alone. Just think of all the possibilities!

More photos from Design Milk here.

Sit Better

We always want you to be comfortable, so today’s message is no different.

It’s simple, when you are comfortable you work better. For most of us, we are sitting while working and this is where our problems start. There’s nothing wrong with sitting back in your chair and using its full support. Moreover, you need to know what your chair is capable of so that you can utilize its full potential.

It is important to know that there are correct and incorrect ways to sit. Check out this video from Herman Miller about how to sit, and why it’s important.

After watching that video, are you fully satisfied with your work chair?

Embody: Seriously Comfortable

If you haven’t realized it by now, at Workplace Resource we love Herman Miller. We love Herman Miller so much that we became a certified dealer of their products.

Herman Miller offers amazing solutions for business, healthcare, and education, as well as great furniture (like the Eames Lounger) that can even fit in a home.

Most of all Herman Miller is known for making comfortable products..very comfortable products. Unlike many other chairs, you can sit in a Herman Miller chair comfortably for hours without adjusting yourself, because their products are so innovative that they adjust to you.

A great example of extremely comfortable Herman Miller chairs is the Embody chair. We’ve blogged about it in the past, so hopefully you already know about their comfort. Check out this playlist of Herman Miller videos, which includes multiple videos about the Embody Chair
Take it from a person who is sitting in an Embody chair right now, GET ONE FOR YOURSELF!

The Embody Chair

If you’ve paid attention to our blog, in the past we showed you the Embody chair by Herman Miller. Like all other Herman Miller products, the Embody chair is an amazing piece of furniture.

The amount of time and resources that Herman Miller devote to their products makes them not only a comfortable piece of furniture, but also a great investment. The Embody chair is such a great investment because it is a good for you body and your mind. Watch this short video and see for yourself:

Orbit Stool by Snapp Design

Today we showcase a very cool piece of furniture by Snapp Design: the Orbit Stool.

The Orbit Stool is unique in the fact that its bottom is not completely flat. It has a rounded insert in its base, which allows the stool to rotate on its axis. Snapp incorporate elements of a spinning top into their design of Orbit, and the finished product is awesome.

We love the fact that the stool allows users to move about an area, while still being able to remain seated. Moreover the stool also features a cutout in its side, which is great for storing magazines, books, or even a laptop.

Check out the stool on Snapp’s website here.

Setu: An Innovative Seating Solution

Recently we blogged about Herman Miller’s Setu chairs, and the feeback we received was great. Many people just wanted to tell us how comfortable their Setu chairs were, while others were astonished about its simple construction.

Today we bring you a video about the materials involved in Setu’s construction. Not only are these materials surprisingly simple, but they are environmentally and economically conscious.

Check out the video:

Setu is truly an amazing piece of furniture and an ode to Herman Miller’s extensive research and innovative design. Setu offers the best in comfort, construction, and value.