Tip to Unclutter Your Home Office

It’s great how organized your central supply room or storage closet always seems to be at your workplace. Everything is right where it needs to be, and for the most part you never have a problem finding anything. This, however, is probably not the case with your home office (and if it is, then give yourself  a pat on the back).

Home offices often go on neglected, and always seem to be much less glorified than your prized desk at work. On top of that, there is the clutter. Daunting piles of paperwork and the underutilized office supplies that sometimes go untouched (for what can seem like) for ages. Don’t worry though, all hope is not lost. Today we present you with some tips on how to organize and “unclutter” your home office.

  • Know your stuff and know yourself. Assess the office supplies that you already have and organize them. Once you’ve got them organized together ask yourself how often you use certain supplies and continue organizing according to usage.
  • Don’t be afraid to let go of anything. Ask yourself if you’re actually going to certain supplies. Do you need four staplers in four different colors? Are you ever going to use that quill pen that you just had to have for some reason? If you can’t see yourself realistically using supplies, get rid of them. Moreover, there are plenty of people who would greatly appreciate your donated office supplies, so you don’t necessarily have to just throw them in the trash.
  • It’s OK to have a stock of supplies for the future. You don’t need to get rid of everything that you’re not going to use immediately. It’s OK to store supplies for future use. If you do choose to store supplies, do so according to how often you are going to use them. For example, immediately accessible and long-term storage.
  • Organize your desk. Keeping your desk organized and clean will help you stay on task and is overall more visually appealing. Filing folders and drawer organizers will come in very handy.

By following these simple tips your home office will be more work-friendly and you will definitely be able to get more work done in a neat, organized environment.

On average, how many hours do you spend working at home?

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