The Moveable Garden

Normally at Workplace Resource we like to share designs and ideas for workplace, healthcare, or educational applications, but the Fractal Garden is just too cool.

The Fractal Garden is an idea thought up by Andrea Legge, Deborah Lewis, and Murrary Legge, who are avid artists and architects. The idea behind the Fractal Garden is that “pieces” of diamond-shaped planters are fabricated on wheels so that they can be moved and situated as desired.

Not only are the pieces fabricated in differing shapes, but they are also available with a variety of different plants contents. The polygonal planters can be arranged in clusters, and their possible creations are literally endless. With the Fractal garden you can express your interests for both gardening and geometry!

This arrangement, with its different shades of green, definitely plays tricks with your eye.

Frankly, the Fractal Garden is a cool idea, and incredibly creative. While its pieces have not been made available to buy, you can still appreciate them visually.

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